Wednesday, August 23, 2017

"Blog #2: Keyboard Warriors and Internet Fallacies"

"Internet Fallacies"


This fallacy is "Appeal to Pity" because he is asking
for people to take pity on him by crying and saying
that they do not understand him

This fallacy is "Appeal to Authority" because in this post,
Internet was used as evidence for the argument.

This fallacy is "Appeal to the People" because Albert Einstein was used
and he is an influential and well known person.

This fallacy is "Hasty Generalization" because the woman here
said that all men are the same without much evidence to
support her argument

This fallacy is "Equivocation" because the word "Piston Rod" is
misinterpreted as the male genitalia

- There are many Fallacies in the Internet and social media these days. People tend to use these fallacies to have the upper hand on an argument but these tend to get the persons arguing to be off topic and lose sight of what they are talking about. The common things about the fallacies I have shown and used is that they are all memes. These memes use these fallacies for fun and to have a good laugh but this is not an excuse to use fallacies. The Internet is a pretty vast and advanced place. There are also advantages and disadvantages in using the Internet and social media for the expression of one’s thoughts. The advantage of these is that you can have a place to unwind and release your inner emotions and feelings. You can also help other people by updating them of the current trend in today’s modern society. Encouraging others and correcting the wrong can also be an advantage in freedom of expression in the Internet and social media. The disadvantages of using the Internet and social media is the over reacting of someone to a post that is not needed to over react upon. The freedom of expression can be a disadvantage because too much freedom in expressing oneself can cause pain and distress to others. Some people can also be offended if you do not use proper netiquette in conversing and correcting their wrongs. I can be a responsible user of the social media and Internet by trying to no use fallacies to get the upper hand in an argument against another person. I will also observe proper netiquette while conversing to other people so that I will not offend or hurt anyone in the process. An advice I can give to the Keyboard Warriors out there about the proper use of social media is that they also need to observe proper netiquette and not just randomly rant about anything they think of or wanted to say. They should also consider the time, place, and their audience to avoid unnecessary dispute and misunderstandings. They should also try to avoid using fallacies just to win an argument because it may be useful this one time but it will not help you next time you use it. If they use fallacies, they will have a hard time having a proper conversation because their conversation will always be derailed and go off to another topic until they will not remember what they are originally having an argument about. Another piece of advice is that ranting and saying nonsense will just waste your time so why not use your time wisely and converse in a proper manner because doing it repeatedly will make it a habit. They should also think before they click and also remember that regret is always at the end.

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